Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Director of Software Engineering. Fujitsu Research of India and heading MONAKA R&D Unit.
With a work experience of around 24 years that spans Industry, Academia, and Research, Dr. Priyanka Sharma, specializes in leading AI-enabled system design, development, and deployment using core technologies involving high-performance computing, machine learning, and deep learning. Dr Priyanka is currently the Director of Software Engineering at Fujitsu Research of India (FRIPL) and heading MONAKA R&D Unit (HPC-AI Lab). She is also the Vice Chairman (Technical) of IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE Industry Applications, and IEEE Power Electronics Society – Gujarat Section. She is an active member of various National Level Subject Expert committees (for Engineering and AI Projects) of some of the premier R&D project funding schemes of the Department of Science and Technology under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Prior to joining Fujitsu Research of India (FRIPL), Priyanka was Vice President of Projects – AI with Samyak and AI Advisor to UK and India-based start-ups in the domain of AI, Deep Learning, and Drug Discovery. She was also AI Advisor at CoE on AI, IT, and Cyber Security at a National Defence University in India. She was an NVIDIA Deep Learning Ambassador for around 5 years. Her academic affiliation includes a Full Professorship with the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Nirma University for over 7 years. She has published over 50 research papers in SCI and Scopus-indexed International Journal, Books, and Conferences. Priyanka is a passionate traveler and loves writing about life lessons through machine learning.
- Impact of technology on public policy, governance, and national security